Personal Development Blueprint - Intro -

Word count:5742

hey this is Leo for actualize org and welcome to the personal development blueprint this is the introduction video I'm really excited to bring this blueprint for you and so let me begin by just giving you a summary of what it is a recap and then a few warning points about going through and how to use this blueprint to get the most results in your life because I want you to be able to go through this list of concepts and apply it in your life and get big big big results that's the ultimate point that's our objective but before we get ahead of ourselves let's begin with what the hell is the personal development blueprint well I began my journey in personal development five years ago when I started my own business and when I did that I realized and I picked up my first self-help book I realized that this was going to be a much longer endeavor than just reading one book and getting one specific result that I was after at the time personal development for me then evolved into this journey where I need to go through and I need to find principles and best practices and then find ways of applying in my life and so what I found when I got on this journey five years ago is that as I was reading material as I was going to seminars as I was listening to gurus out there as I was reading ancient literature and texts everything from classics like the meditations by Marcus Aurelius to the Bhagavad Gita and other classics like that getting wisdom from all these different sources and then of course also interviewing people and getting we're trying to trying things out and trying to get results in my own life doing all the different things that I've done from working on my fitness to my nutrition to my relationships to my business to my career to my life purpose so all these different things that I've been working on as I was doing all those things I started noticing that there were patterns that were repeating there were principles and advice that I was getting that maybe it came off in different words but there were similarities and ultimately what that led me to is I started thinking well what if I start taking note on all this stuff and start creating a list a list of concepts a list of strategies a list of tactics a list of principles that someone can use firstly myself that I can use but other people could use to improve their life you know what are the principles the highest leverage principles that are used to create a successful life a really fulfilling and happy life and exciting life the kind of big life or you're living your full potential so the kind of stuff that we're talking about actualized org and as I was looking at this stuff and I was doing all this research especially in the last year I really started fleshing out this list and this list became pretty big so right now is we've got over a hundred different concepts hundred different principles in this list that you can use to both analyze your life to see where you're doing good and where you're doing wrong and we could be making improvements but generally these are things that if you don't have these in place in your life it's going to be challenging for you to get the kind of success that you want and it can be challenging for you to have the kind of level of fulfillment and happiness that you want so that's a little bit about the background another title that I gave I call this my personal develop Rindt but you can also call it the hundred greatest personal development concepts of all time because what I was doing when I was trading this list is I was looking not only for stuff that is that is timeless advice that can be carried across the ages so basically these things that the Romans and the Greeks and the ancient Egyptians and the ancient Chinese all those principles that they were espousing a lot of those are part of this this blueprint because that's classic timeless advice that is necessary people found out thousands of years ago that that following that those principles was necessary to get to get happiness and success in your life and so I've got those I've also got more modern principles things from that come to us from neuroscience and things that come to us from the latest research that was just done decades ago just years and decades ago on happiness and fulfillment and strengths and a lot of good stuff coming from the positive psychology movement nowadays so we've got a collection of all sorts of these principles that what I was looking for as I was looking for the highest leverage point principles so what that means is the things that you can take action on and those pieces of advice that get you results and get you a lot of results for a little bit of effort so the idea there is that I want things that when you make a change it's going to make a profound change in your results in your business a profound change in the results in your relationship a profound change in the level of happiness that you're experiencing in your life so that's what I mean by high leverage and I think that all of the points on this list are very high leverage now a couple of warnings and caveats that I want to throw out there about this list possible misconceptions number one is that these are all very deep concepts with a lot of layers to them and really it's not going to be enough to go through the list and read it once and it's not even going to be enough to go through and read it five times what you got to do is you not only got to read it and understand it intellectually but you got to soak it in on an emotional level and that means going out there and actually working it right you have to go and implement you have to go and take action you have to go and experiment and play around because a lot of these principles when you just read them at first they seem simple they seem basic they seem somewhat intuitive and it seems like you read the principle like oh yeah I know that I should be doing that oh yeah I know I should be doing this but when you go out there and actually try to implement it you get well when you try to implement some of these principles you're going to get problems right you're going to see you're getting it frustrations you're not going to know should i implement it in this way or in this other way because these principles are by their nature abstract and they can be a little bit generic and so part of the challenge is figuring out how do you actually apply and then of course building up the habits that you need to make this stuff into practice because one of the biggest things that I found after doing five years of personal development research and study is that to really get the results that you want to get it's not enough to study this stuff you have to live it you have to practice it you have to build it into your system to make it automatic you have to basically create routines out of these principles and that's something that takes time that can take months that can even take years of work just to integrate one principle into your life but don't get this heartened by that because these are really powerful and I do not expect you to just zip through this list and have all hundred of them done a month for now this is something that's really a lifelong project and one of the reasons that I embarked on this journey of creating this list was because when I started off I knew immediately being a big picture kind of guy I needed to know what was the whole process of personal development was that going to entail because it's one thing to just go out there and read one Tony Robbins book and that's kind of how I got started but then I need lis saw that just reading one book was not going to do it because sure you can read one book and maybe get a piece of advice for how to solve a specific problem you're having your life right now and that's what most people do is they go out there they read a book let's say and right now the thing is they want to focus on their fitness so they want to they want some advice about how to exercise better how to eat better and that's a great place to start but then you realize that that's just one result you know after you're done with that there's going to be something else that you want to work on you're going to want to work on your relationships and then maybe you've got your relationships down and you want to work on something else you want to work on your financial independence and you want to have more money in your bank account and so you want to work on that and you want to get that handled and then maybe you go and you want to work on your life purpose and you want to make me change jobs or thinking of changing careers to get something that's more aligned with your values something that's more fulfilling for you and then you're going to go and you're going to you're going to look for advice on how to handle that but ultimately what I said is I said you know what why don't I just commit and I say that this is something that is important to me and I can already foresee that this is something I'm going to be doing over my whole life it's going through this growth process because I want to be able to create a nossa life for myself and I saw that an awesome life is not one piece or two pieces or three pieces it's like assembling a giant jigsaw puzzle and for me it was like assembling a jigsaw puzzle and I didn't have the front cover on the box it's like I lost the box but I had all these pieces scattered around and I was starting from scratch I didn't really know what was even possible you know how could these pieces fit together will they even fit together do I even have all the pieces can I create the kind of life that I want to create for myself what's possible and so for me became important to find this big picture and what I started doing is I started doing a lot of research a lot of experimentation and starting to put the things together and eventually I started getting chunks I could see glimpses of what the picture looked like you know what was possible how this process was only to unfold and I was like as I saw those bigger chunks I started getting more motivated I started getting more buying into the idea of why I'm even committed to personal development so I think that's important for your long-term motivation is to see the big picture and I got quite frankly tired and frustrated with some of these books and some of the marketing in the self-help industry where it's like well I'm going to give you the one secret or I'm going to give you the three secrets to success in life or the three secrets to manifesting all the money that you want or the ten principles that will solve all your problems if you really think about it there's no one or three or five or seven or ten things that are going to get your life to the point where you are successful and happy and excited and fulfill the living on your edge to get that kind of charged life you're going to have to go beyond and that's why I said you know what I'm going to do is I'm just going to go out there and see how many pieces of this puzzle are there because I sure as hell know that it's not one piece and it's not three pieces and it's not five and it's not ten so I just went out there I said I'm going to I'm going to see how the puzzle unfolds and what that led me to was this list right now I'm not a hundred and five principles and that list keeps growing so this is a big list I didn't want to say that it was going to be a hundred I said that it's going to be as many as it's going to be and right now actually as I'm working on this and doing more research and doing more experimentation I'm finding that there's actually way more than 100 I'm looking at probably right now at taking this list to 150 or maybe even 200 by by the time I really haven't fleshed out and for me this is a lifelong project so I'm going to be working on this list really for the rest of my life is as I'm researches researching taking more notes interviewing more people working with more clients I'm seeing more distinctions I'm seeing more of the things that are really important more of those leverage points and so that is kind of the backstory of where I'm coming to you with this from and I think what's powerful about this list is that it's hard to go out there and find something this comprehensive I don't claim that this is the end-all be-all list but this is a pretty damn extensive list and I haven't seen one quite this extensive out there so take advantage of that if you're a big-picture thinker like me and you get motivated by knowing exactly what's happening and you don't like just being like a Ratna neighs taking one turn the next turn not seeing everything you like the the bird's eye view then this will help get you motivated it'll help set expectations for really what you need to be doing to be getting the kind of results that you want in your life if you've picked up one book in the past and you've read it and you were dissatisfied with the results you've gotten this is probably why it's because you're not seeing the scope of everything but I don't want you to get disheartened by the scope because this is something you're going to be doing for the rest of your life it's fun it's exciting I want you to get engaged and body into all the cool stuff that you could be adding to your life by learning some of these concepts and then going out there and applying them so another caveat that I want to make continuing to go down this list is that not all of us are equal and what I mean by that is that there's not going to be one way to use this list to help yourself in your life for me personally a lot of the rankings on this list are biased by my own experiences and also the type of people that I've been associating with some of my own interests so as you're going down this list this is not a list where the top item is the one that you should be focusing on I really want you to use this list by going down and reading through it scanning through it and seeing what resonates with you right because not everyone is equal you are different than I am you have different values than I do you have different values than your parents you have different values than your children you have different values and your friends you have different values than your spouse and you have different values and your coworkers so the principles on this list are going to have to be tailored to what you're doing and that's why there's a lot of them is that it gives you the flexibility to tailor it to your goals your values your particularly style your personality type your strengths your weaknesses right but everyone is at a different point in their life depending on all those factors plus also your age the place where you're living at the kind of career you're pursuing you know your goals everyone has different goals so depending on all those you're going to have to find the principles that are most important to you especially at this point your life the way I intend this list to be used is go through it and then ask yourself what are the challenge that you're really facing right now and what are the what are the biggest changes that you can make right now that will give you the biggest bang for your buck so to speak so where can you invest your energy we can get a lot back from it and by lockback I mean you're going to get a lot of success back you're going to get a lot of fulfillment back or a lot of happiness out of it so for everyone that's going to be different for example if you're struggling with your career right now and you're in a job that you're not really happy with that's probably going to limit you in numerous ways with your finances and it's probably going to limit the amount fulfill you could have in your life if that's the case then you might want to take the first principle which i think is maybe one of the most important is having a life purpose and getting in there and trying to figure that out and that might take you months to do it might take you a couple of years to get that really figured out but just getting that one principle of life purpose down he's going to give you a huge huge shift in your fulfillment and your ultimate success in life that's something that will then carry through and have a ripple effect through decades and really to the end of your so that's something that's really worth putting your time and energy into on the other hand maybe you've got your career down and you're happy with your career and you've got other things and other areas in your life where you're struggling maybe you're struggling with your relationships maybe you're struggling with your relationships because of your career because your career is taking away energy and time from that so maybe you got to focus on that or maybe you want to focus on starting a business transitioning from career to business or maybe you want to get your health of the shape or maybe there are some other areas where you're struggling maybe you're a constant warrior or a negative thinker and so some of these principles are going to the list you'll see how those can can really help you if you start implementing them so that's what I mean about not everyone being equal is that all of us are going to have different principles are going to appeal to us at different times and what will appeal to you is not necessarily what's going to appeal to me right now or to your friend so take all this with a grain of salt and make sure that when you're going through in the way that you're using it is that you're picking the things that are resonating with you and are giving you the biggest bang for your buck right now in your life so that is that's all I'm going to say on that point the next point that I'm going to make is that I am not perfect I'm not the Buddha I'm not Jesus Christ I'm not some guru here who is preaching to you that I my life is perfect and that you should do everything that I'm doing and make your life perfect that's really not how it works that's too high of a standard to really put on anybody as much as I would like to be that figure I'm not for me I constructed this list not even for you guys but I started constructing it for myself because I saw that I was slipping in all these areas I was struggle with my fitness I was struggling with my nutrition I was struggling with my life purpose I was struggling with my business I was struggling with negative thinking I was struggling with stress and worry and freaking all this stuff out and so that's why I made this list and I'm still struggling on many of those points to this day I've made some dramatic improvements over the last five years in almost all of those areas but I'm still struggling in all of them and I anticipate that I will be or for decades to come so don't put the expectation on me to be perfect and also by extension don't put that expectation on yourself there's just too much there's too many pieces to get into place in your life so the the point here is to be enjoying the journey and not to be out independent which is actually one of the principles that you'll find on the list but don't be a perfectionist right don't try to say that wanting to have all the stuff in place by the end of the year something like ridiculous like that it's just not going to happen this is something it's going to take months and years to develop because each of these principles is deep it has many layers you can probably go through and spend year a year on each one of them and not really get the full deep understanding that that can go into each one of these and that's why I'm going to have videos for each one of these principles and I anticipate that I'll be able to make probably like five or ten videos just on each principle alone so there can be literally hundreds maybe even a thousand videos that I can that I could shoot on all this content because there's so many nuances to to each one of these and to figure out how it should be applied in your life so ease up on yourself don't think that you need to go through and apply all 100 of them that's not going to happen in fact the best approach that I can give you for for actually implementing this stuff is to focus on one at a time not even like five just focus on one pick one that's going to make the biggest difference to you right now and then go to work on that and give yourself the time the space that you need to work on it and to really work it well to get it integrated not just to understand it logically but to get it emotionally to build habits around it because you have to practice this stuff to get the results otherwise I'm telling you what's gonna happen you're going to read through this list and you're going to feel good about yourself because you're going to see the big picture you're going to understand stuff but then what's going to happen you're going to have you're going to have that aha moment like oh I see I understand I understand all this stuff works and you're going to get some realizations and some more awareness but then what's going to happen is you're going to kind of go back and are going to shift into your old routines and well you didn't even create a new routines just by reading this I feel a little bit more awareness there are no real routines so by definition you're going to be doing the same stuff that you've been doing and you're going to be getting the same feelings you've been getting you're going to be getting the same level of results and the same level of fulfillment and my guess is that if you're looking at this list then you want an improvement you want to change in those results you want to change in those feelings and to get that change in feeling and result you have to take some action right that's also principle one of the top principles in the blueprint is that you are gonna have to take a lot of action and you're going to have to be a good executor because if you're not doing that then you're not getting results and the whole point is not to do a mental circle-jerk it's to do a personal development that means getting real results in your life all right moving on I think I've beat that point to death but I actually think that point can never be beaten to death because people just don't listen you need to go out there and take action the final point that I'm going to make is that this is a live document so like I said I'm constantly doing research especially now that I'm doing this more full-time than I ever was before I'm reading more books on doing more interviews I'm working with more clients I'm more actively engaged in personal development now than I ever was before I know now how to get the results that I didn't know how to get before so as I'm doing all this stuff I'm getting more refinement in what I understand these principles to mean and so I'm going to be out there we're finding this blueprint over the next year especially and then probably who knows where it will go from there but I think I'm anticipating doing this for multiple years really refining it so this is going to be a live document where I'm constantly shuffling things around I'm going to be adding more principles I'm probably going to be splitting certain principles apart as I get more instinct shion's going maybe I'm going to be merging certain principles together if I see that they deserve to be merged together so always check back here and take note that this is kind of a document under construction and I'll be adding a lot more videos I'll be adding a lot more text content in article form and then I also want to be adding exercise files and ideas for how you can actually be implementing this stuff so keep an eye out for that keep an eye out for the changes that are gonna be coming I'm really excited about it I'll be shooting videos really for the next coming year to flush out this blueprint and to get it to that kind of a vision that I have for it the next point that I want to make so that wasn't my last one the next point that I want to make is that don't take this for granted because to me if I would have found a list like this five years ago I would have killed for it you know I would have paid a lot of money for it and I actually had this this question that I had my mind was whether I should even release this list whether I should release this blueprint where I should or I should sell it I should charge money for it because right now what I'm doing is this all out here is for free you have access to it this is going to be amazing content this kind of stuff that people would charge hundreds if not thousands of dollars for the reason I'm releasing it for free is because well I want content out there that helps people right I'm releasing it because I want you to actually take this stuff and to go out there and implement it and see how this stuff works I want to get you engaged and bought into the idea that you're doing personal development for life that to me is what's important because I don't want to just sell you on one little technique it's going to help you fix one little problem in your life and then all of a sudden a month later we have a new problem I want you to get involved with the whole process and I think that if there's anything that's lacking in a personal development world a self-help world it's that we as the people who are the leaders in the industry we're not doing a good enough job of getting people engaged and bought into the whole process we're trying to get you a quick little fix here and a quick little fix there we're trying to sell you a magic pill and that's not what I'm about I think that's the wrong way to go that just does not get you the kind of results that you really want that's why if you're frustrated with personal development or self help and you've done a little bit of in the past you've picked up a book or maybe you've bought one of those CD programs and you're not getting the results that were promised there it's because you're not coming enough it's because you're not really taking the big scope into play right you're doing too little you're not doing enough maybe even more but on the flip side I don't want to say that this is going to be some sort of painful torturous process I think there's a way to make personal element really fun and exciting and in fact one of the most rewarding undertakings in your life so this is something that will piggyback I think on top of everything else that you're doing you know if you're obviously are going to be working in handling your career in your business and you're going to be you're having relationships and going to family life in our friends you have a social life and you have a your fitness and your hobbies and all those things that you're doing and then I think the there's going to be like a layer running underneath all of those parts of your life which I call personal development or self-actualization where you're trying to improve each one of those and you're analyzing and you're trying to get more self-awareness about what you're doing and so this blueprint is trying to show you what that looks like because I want to sell you on this idea not because I need to sell you on it but because I think it's something that's powerful and I think something that people realize much later into their ears like in their in her late 30s and 40s and 50s they start to see like oh yeah I wish I knew this stuff when I was much younger because then I could have a you know I could have been more bought into it I could have been a little bit wiser I could have prevented myself for making some of these stupid decisions that I made could have gotten better results I would have had less regrets I would have lived a more charged or fulfilling more successful life and that's what I really want for you so that's going to do it for my introduction go ahead go down this list scan it through definitely get that big picture sense don't just read one principle read them all see how they fit in how they fit together I think that's valuable it will get you some good awareness but then you can also click on each one and you can go in-depth with videos and the articles that I have to really a hammer each one home and try implementing them the other last point that I'm going to make is because I am releasing this stuff for free and I am putting literally my full time effort into it I want you to help me spread the message so if you're finding this stuff useful if you think this is something that helps you and you figure that it could help someone else in your life friend or family member or spouse please help spread the message like it share it email it you know do whatever you got to do also I love hearing comments and feedback from you so if you want go ahead and email me and leave a comment about what you think maybe ways that I can make improvements maybe other principles that you have that I could consider adding to the list or just what you think and maybe share some stories about how this stuff has been helping you and maybe how it's been helping other people in your life I always love to hear feedback because that is what keeps me going that's what motivates me that's why I'm doing this I mean I'm doing this too it's part of my cure it's part of my job it is a business of for me but also really the rewarding part is seeing what you guys think and interacting with you guys and hearing your problems and hearing the solutions and hearing how stuff is working and how it's not working I'd love to hear that stuff so please leave your comments this is leo signing off please don't forget to share to comment and to like